Saturday, May 16, 2009

Freak Dancing

[REPOST of my MySpace blog on May 4, 2008]

So, t
here's this "style" of "dancing" called "Freak Dancing." Have I used enough quotation marks yet? I was just perusing through videos on myspace and saw someone's default in the pic moves like a video for a short time. What struck me about this tiny morsel of 1"x1" sin is that she was showing everyone on myspace what HER version of dancing is...probably with a boyfriend or one of her boyfriend's dawgs or even quite possibly a cousin.

This is "freak dancing," my friends. I prefer to call it "mostly-clothed vertical doggie style dry-humping to a hip hop beat" but someone who thought he or she was CLEVER chose to shorten it to "freak dancing." I like my version better, personally.

Now, don't think I'm some Grandma fuddy duddy. I'm keeping a sense of humor about this, not to mention I never said "whipper snapper" in this here blog thing-a-majigger. This time doesn't count because I was making a point, shut up!

As an example of my openmindedness, I invite any of you to go out dancing with me at the clubs some night for some mostly-clothed vertical doggie style dry humping to a hip hop beat. It'll be a hootin' good time!