Saturday, May 16, 2009

About "God Damn It" and Other Cuss Words

[REPOST from my MySpace blog on Jun. 28, 2008]

I was on my way home today and I think I hit about every red light. One light shy of home, sweet home, I finally came out with a good "God fucking damn it!" Just one of those little moments of zen one encounters in life. As soon as I said it, I almost felt bad, but then I remembered something that I always feel the urge to correct others for when they let something regretful like that phrase slip out of their perfectly innocent lips -- the words "God damn it" aren't really horrible, afterall.

It really bugs me when someone blurts out "Damn It isn't God's last name" or "Don't use God's name in vain." The reason is because the phrase doesn't frikken mean that at ALL! Think about it. You're asking "God" to "damn it"...whatever "it" happens to be. So, in my case, I wanted God to damn that last red light...not that it would've helped, nor am I a Christian. The point is that people completely take the phrase the wrong way because... well, let's face it...they don't know any better.

Which brings me to my next point. Just like the phrase "God damn it" is somehow inherently BAD, so are other expletives such as "fuckshitdamncuntassbitchfag," etc, etc. Did any of those words (once separated) offend you? If it did, then you were taught that those words surely mustn't be used in your daily vocabulary. Now, think about THIS -- what makes a word bad? Someone at some point in history decided to make up a word and use it in a derogatory or offensive way towards something or some one. That word spread from person to person, generation to generation and eventually became a cuss word. I could make up a word like... oh, I dunno... "bunt"... look at a developmentally disabled person, and in a mean and mockingly retarded tone, yell "BUNT!!" right at him/her. Eventually, if the word caught on, that, too, would become something your mom would wash your mouth out with soap over. Get me?

So, the moral of the story is... when you feel the urge to let a curse word slip out in the heat of the moment, DO IT...however, you still must be mindful of your environment. Work, church or school may still not be the best place to let'r rip. Other people just don't understand like you or I.

Best Fuckin' Wishes,
